Class division - certainly!:
- Much of it having to do with that column, entitled "Hours" , in the Monthly Field Service Report Form.
we all know how jw brag about their strong internal love.
all are treated equal no matter rank, color, money, status etc.
is this really true?
Class division - certainly!:
- Much of it having to do with that column, entitled "Hours" , in the Monthly Field Service Report Form.
in he's nephews book i could not believe some of the things he mentions.
when his father died fred franz told his mother he could not go to the funeral because he was just too busy at bethel.
she spoke to rutherford who ordered him to go.
Maybe the best two things about the late F.W. Franz was his face!
Regarding suitable names for this apology for a human being, I run out of unpleasant words with which to describe my feelings towards him.
Of the printable names that I have heard put forward , "Freddie the Fraud" is the best one I have heard yet!
the letter leaked today on "confidentiality" had an infurating set of paragraphs on suicides, attempted suicides, and threatened suicides.
here is the excerpt.. suicides and attempted or threatened suicides.
20. at times, judicial committees may deal with someone who is so distraught that he attempts.
Ref: Reliance on Blue collar workers in life-threatening situations:
While often-times practical experience can - to a degree at least - offset for lack of formal qualifications, dealing with suicidal people is not one of those situations!
Murphy's Law No.7 reads "Experience gained is in direct proportion to the amount of equipment destroyed" (incidentally, something that I - as a busted @$$ electrician, who is sometimes thrust into an engineering role - can relate to!):
- When you are dealing with human life, though, you simply don't have that luxury (i.e. of being able to "destroy equipment").
Being able to run a faultless vertical or overhead arc-weld is of no use whatsoever in handling a person who has tried to commit suicide (all of 20 years old when this happened):
- nor, for that matter, is consistently putting in a Field Service Report with 10 or more hours in that column entitled "Hours!"
wachtower dec 1 2011 p.10 "french village faces influx of apocalypse believers...they believe the world will end 21 december 2012 when the end of....ancient maya calander...despite predictions by calamity-howling religious leaders, pseudoscientists, and any other prognosticators, earth will be in existence for a long time...when will this occur?
no human knows.
jehovah's witnesses do not try to predict when god will destroy the wicked...{really?
Once more, the WTS tries to rewrite its own history.
Sadly, if you didn't know any better, a person could be inclined to believe them.
the letter leaked today on "confidentiality" had an infurating set of paragraphs on suicides, attempted suicides, and threatened suicides.
here is the excerpt.. suicides and attempted or threatened suicides.
20. at times, judicial committees may deal with someone who is so distraught that he attempts.
On reading this, I felt my flashpoint lower itself by several tens of degrees Celsius!:
- it brought back painful memories of the rough way in which my daughter was treated by the elders, after her attempted suicide (an event brought about by the death by accident of her 16 year old brother).
Held in judgement by a panel of "The Unlettered and Ordinary" (consisting of a boilermaker, a swimming pool cleaner, and the inevitable window cleaner), they nearly completed what her brother's death had initiated.
What else can you expect from a lot that cares not one jot for the welfare of the R&F!
as a kid i got bullied a lot.
i was taller than all the kids in the class.
i wore funny clothes - usually hand-me-downs from somewhere or just plain ugly.
I have re-sent that PM to you, successfully this time!
as a kid i got bullied a lot.
i was taller than all the kids in the class.
i wore funny clothes - usually hand-me-downs from somewhere or just plain ugly.
Further to the matter of dealing with bullies; I long ago learned (and by the the hard way) that the only way to deal with this abomination is to face the #%$&*>ds down!
As a manager of a roughneck crew in an isolated area of a violence-prone Third World Country, I frequently had to deal with bullying in the workplace. "Ignoring" the matter - and thereby hoping the bully would lose interest and go away - was never going to work! Rather, the perpetrator had to be called to account and faced down:
- on one memorable occassion (not!), "facing down" included the business-end of an M-16 rifle. Briefly, when the culprit was called into my office to receive a formal written warning, he decided that my skull was going to look better with a three pound hammer driven through it. Somehow, the duty security officer and I managed to disarm this #@$%; then get him to leave the plant - after which the gates were securely locked behind him. He then took to the bush, went on the rampage, and at one point the police had him actually lined up in the sights of an M-16.
So..... on this discussion board, when somebody attempts to bully me (as has happened) , I will likewise face them down:
- and without apology, call them barking bloody mad to their face; if that is what they are being.
as a kid i got bullied a lot.
i was taller than all the kids in the class.
i wore funny clothes - usually hand-me-downs from somewhere or just plain ugly.
You have a PM.
Bungi Bill.
as a kid i got bullied a lot.
i was taller than all the kids in the class.
i wore funny clothes - usually hand-me-downs from somewhere or just plain ugly.
What about those, though, who - despite everything - will persist in arguing against the obvious? (No names mentioned, of course!)
For people who go on insisting that black is somehow white, there are very few expressions left with which to describe them;
- other than "rather lacking in spare parts at the Brain Department"!
i just read this in our local newspaper this morning and thought it is very interesting.
this law is aimed at door to door marketing by companies but i am wondering if this may end up including religious 'sales persons'.
the comments below the story are worth reading as jw's and religious callers are definitely who many people want stopped under this new law.. .
Coming back to the topic of this thread(!):
- smiddy is probably correct about the proposed law not applying to religious organisations.
Previous consumer legislation regarding door-to-door sellers (aimed primarily at encyclopedia sales people) was in practice not enforced when it came to religious matters. The rationale of the time was that "the sums of money involved were very small." i.e. Awake or Watchtower at five cents a copy.